Kardashian Clan
The show centers on Kim Kardashian and her family. The show was formed
after Kim Kardashian had a sex tape realized. She gained popularity and fame
which promotes the idea that women must flaunt their bodies over their brains. Below Kim can be seen teaching her teen sister to shake her butt.
The woman have promoted themselves in the employment industry. Nevertheless
the take on cultural and gender stereotypes that demonstrates a female’s lack
of ability to hold a job that provides a benefit to society. The Kardashian family was are known for conventional feminine jobs, including acting and modeling.
These jobs conveniently also require little to no schooling or occupational
experience, but withhold a healthy dose of entertainment qualities as well as
female objectification.
The majority of the program is shot inside of the Kardashian home
stereotyping that they are hardly interested and rely mainly on the royalties
and wealth brought upon by their features as reality stars. The most prominent
stereotype present in the program is the dependence upon the use of beauty to
get ahead. The females on this show pursue jobs that highlight physical
While adverting products it seems that the Kim has not made strides.Similar to the female in this commercial both women are to act as a pretty face. They are not made to look intelligent.
The women can come off a little dim-witted.