Thursday, May 7, 2015

Gypsy Women

American Gypsy Wedding

The role of a gypsy woman is to serve the man. The woman must cook, take care of children, and ensure that the house is spotless. At a young age, gypsy girls are taught to clean instead of gaining an education. When I watched this clip my thoughts were how sad this girl is taught to settle down young and to miss out on her education I wanted to know what others thought so I scrolled down to the comments. Lets just say I was appalled.This is girl is 14 years old and strangers are calling her a slut, whore, clown,and many other unnecessary names.
Not only are these young women being downgraded with terminology but the are also constantly competing with other gypsy women.
When was beauty defined and why must women try to out look one another? Well beauty all began in the 1920s. It started out with the flappers. Flappers were women who wore more revealing clothes during that time and had some what of a sex appeal. The created this idea of pretty. Only a small minority could be flappers these were the women who could afford the lifestyle. Gypsy women are quite similar to the the flappers they have similar traditions. They are rebellious and consume fun. Their life revolves around a lifetime of parties and competition between women. However they still had boundaries that they did not cross. When it was time to settle down both women flappers and gypsies settled down to motherhood. 



Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Kardashians

Kardashian Clan 

The show centers on Kim Kardashian and her family. The show was formed after Kim Kardashian had a sex tape realized. She gained popularity and fame which promotes the idea that women must flaunt their bodies over their brains. Below Kim can be seen teaching her teen sister to shake her butt.
The woman have promoted themselves in the employment industry. Nevertheless the take on cultural and gender stereotypes that demonstrates a female’s lack of ability to hold a job that provides a  benefit to society. The Kardashian family was are known for conventional feminine jobs, including acting and modeling. These jobs conveniently also require little to no schooling or occupational experience, but withhold a healthy dose of entertainment qualities as well as female objectification.
The majority of the program is shot inside of the Kardashian home stereotyping that they are hardly interested and rely mainly on the royalties and wealth brought upon by their features as reality stars. The most prominent stereotype present in the program is the dependence upon the use of beauty to get ahead. The females on this show pursue jobs that highlight physical appearance.

While adverting products it seems that the Kim has not made strides.Similar to the female in this commercial both women are to act as a pretty face. They are not made to look intelligent.
  The women can come off a little dim-witted.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Bachelor and the Bachelorette

Bachelor and Bachelorette 
First I searched the definition of a bachelor and a bachelorette. A bachelor is defined as a unmarried male while the bacherlorette is defined as a unmarried YOUNG woman. Right off the bat we have a stereotypical view of men and women. A bachelor has no age limit. He can be a young man or an older gentlemen. While the woman are allowed to be a bachelorette during her youth. 

The women and men are also advertised differently. What do I mean by advertised well women biographies are simplistic while the men biographies specify details. The woman biographies (as seen below) consist of little content however the males express much more. I also find it interesting that the males profile list occupation as well as their greatest achievement. 

What do we learn from the bachelor?
First it is presumed that women will move their life around to the man's needs. Also no matter what show whether it be the Bachelor or the Bachelorette the man is always the one that ask the question. Therefor both men, ask the woman the question will you marry me. The bachelorette then must deny one man's proposal. She is then looked at in a negative manner. This show, also maintains the idea that women need love more than anything else. Except when a woman tries to be intimate with a man she is perceived as a "slut." Women are also treated unequally when it comes to women's sexual actions and desires.
This brings me back to the role of Native American women. Native American women did not have the same expectations as colonial women when it came to sexual intimacy.  Colonial women had the idea enforced that they could only have one partner. The man of the family was in then in charge. However; Native American women had multiple partners and they were treated equally when it came to their role in the tribe.What does the word slut imply for women nowadays. The word slut has a very negative condentation. By referring a woman to a slut we are placing them into a unfavorable category. When we use the word slut we are placing them back in history. We tell them that to be a respectable woman and to receive a respectable man you must not have sexual desires. A woman must be faithful to her man but men have never had the same expectations.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Duggar Women

19 Kids and Counting

Let me ask you something. How many times have you been asked, “Are you seeing anyone?” Or “When are you going to settle down?” I absolutely despise this question. Growing up my mother always told me one thing. She told me that if she could have one wish it would be that her three daughters would never depend on a man. This has stuck with me. My mother married at a relatively young age about twenty two. My grandmother was pregnant at sixteen and married. However still at family functions my career and aspirations are NEVER brought up. It’s always so anyone special in your life. I’m lucky compared to my sister she is constantly asked this question. It’s because at the age of twenty five she is considered an old dame. People are surprised to see her without a ring or without a baby in her belly. I am only twenty so I still have time according to them. What is this and how did this start? Why must my relationship be my goal? (I am not judging those who want to be parents or simply want to be married. I just want to be seen as more than a child bearer.) Well this brings me to my next reality show, 19 Kids and Counting. 

The basis of the show is about the Duggars and their nineteen children. Right now the Duggars are everywhere. From their eldest daughter recently married and having her first child to their second daughter recently married with a child on the way. They can be seen on the televisions screens, all over the magazines, and easily accessed online. On the show Michelle, the mother, raises her nineteen children with her husband Jim Bob. 

The way the Duggars live remind me a lot of the creation story and how women were affected by it. Eve was a so called trouble maker because Eve ate the forbidden fruit. Eve could not contain herself or her desires. Women could then not be trusted. They were sex temptresses! This idea still has a form today. In the Duggar family, their children can only go on a dates if they are supervised. The supervisor’s jobs is to ensure that nothing happens on these dates. Sometimes the supervisor is a brother or sister that is much younger than them. Could this be because women are sexually charged and would be unable to contain themselves? Possibly. Another role of children courting is that the only affection that can happen is side hugs. Side hugs are to limit sexual desires. They must not front hug, hold hands, or kiss. Yet at the same time these individuals are marrying at a young age and within months of marriage are having their children. What does it say about the women in this family? You can only have one relationship and once your married you must pop out children. This limits women because once they have their child they are stay at home mothers. Yes this show exist in 2015. This has yet to happen on the show but I wonder what would happen if a daughter or even a son stated this was not their lifestyle. What if they didn’t want to marry young or have children? 

I also wonder where are priorities are. When I picked up this magazine, "I thought wow why is their newlywed story taking over the cover of PEOPLE." Why is the American sniper trial shoved into the corner.